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The Parents Teachers Association (PTA) is part of the school governing bodies as provided by the Education Act and its affairs are managed by the PTA Executive Committee. The current Chudleigh House School PTA Executive Committee was elected into office at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on 26th February, 2021. On behalf of the new Executive Committee I would now like to take this opportunity to thank the parents and members of staff for entrusting us the responsibility to lead this year’s PTA. I further wish to thank the Committee for electing me as the Chairperson.

The Executive’s foremost priority will be to improve the participation of parents in the affairs of the school by creating opportunities and encouraging them to volunteer on projects undertaken by the PTA and the school in general. And in order to successfully fulfil our mandate the PTA has identified priority projects that it intends to support which will include the following;

  • Improvement of the Storm Water Drainage around the pedestrian entrance to the school premises
  • Continue supporting the Covid 19 Prevention measures that the school has put in place
  • The new school library
  • Sensitisation on bullying within the school premises
  • The Executive Committee also intends to review and update the outdated PTA Constitution
  • The Executive plans to put in place a robust fund raising programme to assist the school in its expansion projects as well as contribute to the vulnerable community support initiatives that the school is already involved.

It is the Executive Committee’s trust that despite the many challenges and disruptions that the school may have faced since last year as a result of the Covid 19 Pandemic collectively with the input of parents and the school administration the interest of the pupils will prevail as we look forward to a much more productive remainder of the year.