Our annual Speech Day has a rich history, dating back to its inception by our school's management many years ago. This special event was designed to acknowledge and celebrate the outstanding achievements of our pupils in various areas of the school.
A highlight of Speech Day is the delivery of inspirational speeches by our esteemed Guest of Honor, Head Teachers, and select pupils. These thought-provoking addresses motivate and encourage our students to strive for excellence, while also providing a platform for our top achievers to shine."SPEECH DAY AWARDS
On this same day awards are given to the best performing pupils. Some of the awards given to the pupils include:
- 1. The John Mupanga Mwanakatwe Award – This is given to a pupil who has shown tremendous potential for scholarly work. He or she does not have an adverse disciplinary record. THIS IS THE HIGHEST AWARD IN THIS SCHOOL.
- 2.The Chairman’s Leadership Award. Given to a pupil who has demonstrated potential leadership qualities.
- 3.Best performance in class – This is awarded to the best academic performing pupil in each class.
- 4.The Margaret Tessie Kawandami Award –This is given to the most compassionate pupil. One who has shown care for others. She or he is always helpful and kind.
- 5.Ambassador’s award – This is given to a pupil who has been in this school for the longest uninterrupted period of time.
- 6.The Head Teachers’ Award – This is given to an exemplary pupil both inside and outside the classroom.